Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Something different :)

Good morning everyone.   I have signed up for the NaNoWriMo #StayHomeWriMo.  I am so grateful for the many organizations and groups that are providing us with creative encouragement in these Covid 19 days.   If you want to know more about this supportive adventure you can email me ( if you have my email address)  or comment to the blog, and I will respond to you.  Do not email to this site I will not get it.

A writing prompt that I received was.
Write about a character who's stuck inside.  How do they feel about it? Why are they there.
Here is my writing from that prompt.  I wonder how many of you will recognize my character.

I never get out!  She is a task master!  She always wants me to work, never wants me to play.

I try, I talk to her, I say things and when she finally notices me, she gets upset.  She calls me names, like MONKEY BRAIN.   I do have a brain, but I am not monkey!   BUT I can tell you I would have more fun if I was a monkey.

Imagine, if I was a monkey I could swing in the trees.

ONE day she went out for a walk.  One day when she was out walking I jumped in a puddle.  She did not notice it was me, she thought it was her idea.  When I let her think it is her idea, when I do not say toooo much then she sometimes lets me out, but only sometimes,  I have to be very careful so careful.

I do not want to be careful.   I do not like being careful all the time.  I will be careful about taking physical distance.  I understand that in these Covid 19 days.  I am not talking about that kind of careful.  I am happy to take social distance, BUT she doesn't care.


Sometimes I have something to say.

Wouldn't you have something to say if all you got to do all day was sit at a desk.

Wouldn't you say something if the sap was running and the birds were singing and the snow was melting?

Wouldn't you want some attention if the only time you got to move was when she got up from her chair and went upstairs to get more tea or to go pee because she had more tea?

Wouldn't you have something to say if the buds were pushing up through the soil and there were sidewalks waiting to be chalked and bubbles want to blow out joy?

If you were stuck in front of a computer and all you got to do was see the outdoors through a dusty, viney, dirty window

Wouldn't you say something??

gloriafern March 25 2020.

with much gratitude to NaNOWriMO social distancing kit. 

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