Saturday, July 28, 2018

Saturday night

early morning swim
before  scones were baked or
 guests awoke.

past bedtime now
dinner made and eaten,
guest asleep.

mind wanders over
days events memory filled
joy and sorrow.

the day has cooled
the air, the water, wind
voices call.

longing for sleep
arise with pen and paper
story filled.

 gkn July 2018

Friday, July 20, 2018


Salt water mist covers tears,
walking hundreds of miles away,
as goodbyes are said
to a companion driven by anxiety

love a multifaceted
wash on the shore prescence
felt, abscence known,
memories carried still

the child comforted by a
pillow body, a lick
a nuzzle, a paw pushing
protecting, giggles

an adult at home with
non judgemental companionship
walking around ponds
waves wash onto shores

gifts received, taken,
understanding lacking shells
crack enjoying fresh
seafood still grief.

gkn July 2018