with gratitude to Jeanne Thompson and her CD
Peace be with you and the Peace Train
We drove over hill and vale
met in a park, sat on a hill,
peed behind a bush, no toilet in sight,
but we saw a daughter had tea
and a bite
it arrived in the mail
a pink bubble wrap envelope,
Peace be with You the title of
recording, I listen I hear
love is at the heart of it
barely awake a lego train
arrived, money saved,
ordered on line, moms assistance
allowed bakery's inclusion,
video shared delight,
the market trail led us
around town, bicycle wheels crushing
gravel, skidding through sand,
bouncing on pavement,
we travel
The phone rings, I hear his message again,
there are those who are
ready to head out the western
door, death is not bad
notice it all
angels on shoulders
change all around, I head to a march,
I made my own signs, justice equals
peace, abolish racism the other side,
the song rings in my ears,
thanks for lyrics that
summarize so well
a'int no time for couch potatoes
or regretting the past ...
time to move forward together at last.
gloria fern June 2020
Thank you so much❤