Tuesday, August 4, 2020

A Month

Yesterday’s yesterday it was July,  a summer
month is Canada,   we  were swimming in the bay
my restorative home in these months of warmth,

the sidewalks filling with people coming to
enjoy the waters lapping on shorelines, the  breezes
blowing through trees, to escape the still city sounds,

cars filled with longing  seeking space by orange
pylons you are not welcome in this space,
or this place as the earth called forth welcome,

the holiday weekend had arrived, will it someday
be recognized as emancipation weekend,  and when it
is,  how will its meaning be understood?

today the rains have stopped falling, the birds are
singing as the thunder echos in the background,
the trees wave gently, the breeze refreshes

we have had a partial family visit, we have opened 
and yet our gathering is incomplete as our beloveds live
south of covid border line and perhaps soon 

some will be across the ocean while pool and lake waters
lap on shores familiar waving hearts  and I  wonder when
will this end?   and I wonder when will  what end?

beginning constant beginnings and endings and another month
has passed and I am packing my bag, maybe I will travel

certain uncertainty  a hallmark of  seasons, months passage.

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