Monday, April 1, 2019

LIfe on Earth

We are living with four wonderful boys this week.  Their parents are enjoying time celebrating an anniversary,  not in Iceland.  WOW airline  shut down days before their flight.  They are in Montreal.

My pictures of delight accumulate waiting to be shared.  The stories grow, from the three year old, wistfully telling me that when he and mama and daddy go home, mama and daddy will be with him forever, to the almost sixteen year old discussing the amp he has ordered to go with his new electric guitar.

We check our email often to hear from our friend, a mother who has requested prayers for her son still living.  I glance at facebook at a moment in between action and I see reminders of trans visibility day, of a family surrounded by  another cancer diagnosis,  of weather warnings, of dancing police officers.  Stories filled with deep sorrow and courageous hope.

My life today requires me to  notice the many gifts that surround me.  Gifts of a tired body from swimming at the plunge, from climbing at the indoor playground, from building a snow person.  Gifts of sleeping with a little person who loves sleeping face to face.  The gift of watching an adolescent satire, and playing games of chess and checkers and and and...

I live in the middle of it all,  today joy surrounds me.

I anticipate tomorrow, with the knowledge of noticing this day!

March 2019

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