Monday, November 12, 2018

Calling forth hope

dedicated to daughters  

My eldest daughter Lora called this morning, excited about the women doing theology conference she was attending.  At AMBS ( Anabaptist Mennonite  Biblical Seminary),  she said I am wearing a Mennonite Church USA badge.  

She knew this was movement,  I know this is movement.

She said this conference is sanctioned supported even by Mennonite Church USA.  She was excited that she could be there, that it was happening.

She said she was happy for me ( she knows my history well)  and she wished I could be there,  and so the worm turns round and round ...

I am delighted for my daughter that she has found a place, and a home to share her spiritual gifts.

I trust my daughter,
and I marvel at her faith, and the faith of the Lydia's and the Svinda's  and the Marilyn's, who are there, who are  working, faithful to their calls, to the work of their souls within the institutional church.

AND I pray that they and others will be saved from pain and hurt by power brokers lacking faith, living in fear rather than love,

and today again I celebrate the hope carriers in the world.

Those who face principalities and powers and speak out and listen to the call on there lives.

Those who  honour their call,
who honour  another's  call.

Who dare to say this is my call, this is my hope, this is my vision.
I will move forward.

They are hope bearers for us all, whether it be in the church, or in the gov't, in the home or in the academic institution, or the non profit sector or in the medical world

where ever they find themselves

I give thanks for the hope gifted to the world by presence and action.

gkn  November 2018

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your writing, Gloria. Sending love.
