Tuesday, August 27, 2019


in a cemetery cafe
a baby crawls
amidst tables, coffee,
feet, while roses and
monuments stand tall
aside trees, watering can colours
blending with flower garden
beauty, history non defining,

gkn August 2019

Monday, August 12, 2019


dedicated to Mike and Tom

This morning's card, drawn from a box given by a friend for my 60th birthday reads "Never mistake knowledge for wisdom.  One helps you make a living; the other helps you make a life."  Sandra Carey.

Today I am intent on continuing to make my life.  Today I am filled with awe at the many gifts I have been offered in the making of my life.  Gifts of support, of courageous listening, and of companionship.

This weekend we were blessed to have old friends in our home, friends whom we are not able to see as frequently as we would like.   This weekend our home and our lives were filled with the brilliance of their beings, and I noticed.

They and I have shared many trails,  our paths have crossed and crisscrossed,  with miraculous outcomes.   Some crossings have been celebrated.   Some not so much.

Two  accidents on the same day,  in a city and in a rural area, resulting in injury and changed lives in two households miles apart have become some of the common ground on which we continue to build meaningful and laughter filled memories.

I and my beloveds are left in the glow of the brilliant light they shared with us this weekend.  We are left with a renewed commitment to claiming and living into the brilliance of unconditional love that is available to each of us.  

I am challenged to notice what gets in the way of my laughter, to notice what gets in the way of me showing spontaneous affection, to notice what gets in the way of me celebrating the dragonflies the butterflies, the bees, the blooms...

As I anticipate my sixty fifth birthday, the publication of my memoir, and another visit,  I give thanks for all those who lives cross with mine, adding to the richness of my years.  

August 2019

Friday, August 9, 2019


Toni Morrison has died
Beloved,  The Bluest Eyes  are calling
awareness, remember
what you know, have learned

a teacher is gone, another
coming forth to reinforce can
you hear her?   do you see her?

life's passages, cycles of hope
despair,  always better
love infused.

infusions  available
smiles walking on streets,
dancing anywhere, anytime
playing with a dog
a child,  or your partner,
laughing, noticing, celebrating

I want to meet the
courageous ( in Collingwood) couple
whose's skirts at
jazz in the park
wore gender ambiquity
hand in hand

continuous drips
in strangers, in flowers,
clouds, rain showers, friends,

infusions required, received
love renewed

August 2019