Friday, June 21, 2019


Moving through minds sky
overlapping image,
sofa body filled conversation
untangling clutter


notice the owl,
see it, a book, a truth
over there, higher, moving

views obstructed,
grief, life, joy
fills, empties truth
mine, yours

ever moving

gkn June 2019

Monday, June 10, 2019

word less

Today I grieve, today I celebrate, today I question, today words seem so inadequate and yet I feel the need to write.  Oh the contradictions of life on this earth.   I grieve today.  I grieve  lives taken too soon.

This mornings email from a friend about the death of her soul mate, has shaken me.  

I celebrate with my friend as she reflects on her best friend/husbands death when she says she will live fully for both of them,   when she states I can do it ( and I KNOW she can!).

I grieve.

Sliding doors, those doors that invite us to step carefully, thoughtfully with abandon into life.  Those doors that challenge us to open them as we take another risk on love, on life when all else seems hopeless.

Those doors greet me daily and sometimes I notice them, sometimes I jump aside, sometimes I step in with enthusiasm, somedays I do not even notice that they are there.

Today I feel a renewed call to noticing, a renewed call to loving, to living in the now, in all the risky ways the spirit calls me to respond.

Today, I grieve with gratitude.

gkn June 2019

Thursday, June 6, 2019


The monarch chorus,
carrying hope for a longing soul
species decline, endangered
counting, counted fifty in
last years garden


in the tree an orange flash


limb to limb
branches hold wonder


the book educated

those who love
live  breathe

a smile, a confident nod
knowledge gained
from mother

gkn June 2019