Thursday, March 22, 2018

Gloria Fern muses: Equinox Reminders

Gloria Fern muses: Equinox Reminders: Seedlings pushing up their heads remind me on this thirteenth birthday  of little heads held warmly  embraced by love's confident...

Equinox Reminders

Seedlings pushing up their heads
remind me on this thirteenth birthday 
of little heads held warmly 
embraced by love's confident
hold in the midst of frozen, 
war torn soil.

Today you are with me, having 
come to my life as a blessing 

Are they ever deserved
these many blessings of mine 
or  even recognized
 until the days pass 
by and the absence or ongoing 
presence reminds me 

that I am surrounded, 
that I have been  invited  to nurture 
growing, flowering, possibilities.

Then day by day if I chance to observe 
they are present,  not only the 
buds but full blooms

embraces me. 

gkn March 22, 2018

Saturday, March 3, 2018

A Phone Call

I hear your voice.

"I have been thinking about you so much,"
"Me TOO.  You called first this time."
It always happens this way.
Our delight! 

I long to see you.
The miles separate us.

I check the flight schedule, 
the cost.

I look at my calendar.

I value this life I live, 

its fullness, 
crowds me 

gkn March 2018