Saturday, December 31, 2016


Changing life, times
hope born anew,
a page turns again.

Breathe in, breathe
love, for all, 
a page turns..

gkn dec.2016

Tuesday, December 13, 2016


 between worlds with you, 
perhaps we have spent our whole life 
here, you and I,  in worlds separated
by a veil too thin almost to notice, 
yet thick enough to separate, perhaps
today again we will see more
revealed in the passage opening, 
you me and I you. 

My grandpa, your dad, joined us
here today, you saw him,  I heard your 
anxious voice respond, put away the cream, 
the separated cream, I should have known 
remember the separator, my fascination, 
your childhood labours demand.

Our voices clear in veils of certainty revealed
I love you, spoken truths of souls familiarity
connected in worlds un noticed, in 
Our running, racing worlds seen here
in quiet space of rest, I rub your feet, you 
agree the back rubbed would be nice too
You and I in found comfort, 
lately found, and timely .

gkn 2017