Monday, May 16, 2016

365 Days and an invitation

A year has passed 
I began this wildly improbable become probable journey, 
I walked with my dear friend, my encourager, my cheerleader to her death, 
I wrote the letter seeking support, 
I realized how hard it was to just be ( for the first time). 

So I have decided to do another reading.  I will read selection from my year of being with writing, poetry, short story, novel snippets.   I invite you,  if you want to to bring stories in whatever form to share as well.   

I will have a basket out to receive your offerings of support to me.  Those gifts you have offered over this year have been amazing in keeping me keeping on!  And the wisdom that has been given to me as 
I continue to learn to receive has also been amazing. 

All are welcome to this reading, pass on the word to others who may wish to attend.  

Email or call me to confirm your attendance.  Do not reply to the blog email if you get it that way, as you will note it goes to a no reply blogspot address ( a reader who tried to reply to posts this way sorted that out.)  

The reading will be on Tuesday, June 21 at 6:30 at our home. 

With gratitude and eager anticipation to share this time with some of you! 

gkn 2016

A Message

It was a simple message, a sentence, 
uncomplicated in words, 
filled with meaning.  Not surprising, perhaps, 
from a preacher
In the tradition of Jesus.

Love to you and all those you love,  the message said. 

There were no questions.

No questions. 

And so today,  I share with you a message received in our home 
this weekend. 

Love, (and I say also blessings) to you and ALL those you love. 

With deep gratitude and love back at'ya  Julie! 

May 2016

Monday, May 9, 2016

Hi Hoo

Sun, moon cycles, 
heart seasons, 
live on. 

Longing, filled vacuum, 
bulbs burst.

Since you took your last breath, 
a year.
Spring blooms.

gkn may 2016