Thursday, April 30, 2015

Scatter Rug Slow Down for Ayrlie

My orange slices,  my tea, my thoughts,
scattered in all directions 
with the speed of light
the best laid plans 

four days of being home alone

to write, of course, and

put away
winter clothes, 

to meditate, of course, and 

garden tools, 
spring clothes, 

Four days of being home alone, 

to mediate, swollen foot iced
to write, twisted foot loved

from  the couch, from the bed
I see yard unraked, boxes, still packed
daffodil  blooms, snow disappear.

Scatter rug slowdowns.

gkn April 30 2015

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Waking up

Dedicated to those who work for peace.
In honour of the women who walked to The Hague in 1915.

The ancestors, the descendants are calling, 
reminding me, reminding us,

to know peace, to believe in peace, to live peace 
is to bring peace. 

Wake up, to peace in daily living. 

Remember the ones who have walked, have dared
to believe peace is possible.

Notice the ones who know peace.

Notice goodness, notice compassion, notice fear, 
send forth love, 
to all.

Listen to the call of the soul, 
listen to the ancestors, the descendants.

Be peace

gkn april 2015

Friday, April 24, 2015

For Harriet

Twinkling starlight shines through
your face, your words
"I am looking forward to it." 
The other side is calling you, 
companioning you, my sacred honour.

Celebrations of vulnerabilities gifts, 
tears and laughter, 
remember the day we met?
Unforgettable treasures.

A veil so thin, we claim knowledge 
of continuing connection, 
practised while same side gathered
your tapping calls me, even now.

gkn April 24 2015

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Gray Clouds

"Blue sky, sunshine, no gray clouds"
he says, with 2 year old certainty.
My stomach is knotted.
Yellow helmet covered with bugs, 
protection, singing as he works,
wind kisses join the sun.
We head in for warmer coats, and hats and mitts.
Purple, white crocus, daffodil buds, 
spring lit mornings, 
mournings morning,
this blue sky, no gray clouds day.

gkn April 2015