Friday, January 27, 2017


Crowding the planet, 
human and plant cells,
playing games, life and death, 

steal hope, offer confusion, despair,

sometimes comfort still,
quiet companioing
at a bedside,  on a website, 
with a protest sign...

confusion, best answers, sought, 

breathe in, and out, 
snow falls white fluffy wonder, 
a two year old's delight, 
reminds me again...

solutions oft unrecognized, present 

they come, they go, 
new stories born from old, 
re found amidst ice 
melting refrozen...

this little light of mine, glory comes.

gkn Jan 2017

1 comment:

  1. You've done an excellent job of capturing emotions and the push-pull of life these days!

    Keep writing! Keep sharing!

    With much love and admiration
