Thursday, September 3, 2015

Bruce Trail

Noisy river flowing through, beside me.

Rapids under bridges, built by valued volunteers, known, unknown, 
maintaining rivers flow, winding, still, 
through shadows, verdent, sun speckled light
in path covered tunnels.

Green, black outlined spots of leopard frogs hide
in plain view, how many have I missed? 

Calm waters pool delight, no recent beaver chew 
where have you gone?

Steep, heart pounding climb, I stop to 
     rest and catch my breath, 
my life.

Sunshines through the blue
invitation to new companions, a walking
stick, water washed rock landslide, bird song, footing.

Planted on this earth, 
a self,
living one wild and wonderful life.

gkn sept. 2015

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting your poems....feels like I have a glimpse into your hike (aka life!)
