Sunday, August 2, 2015

For Flighty

"Born on the plane," your mother says, 
The nurse, offered a name.
Wedding stories, of your strength, your perseverance,
your beauty, 
so obvious here today, 
shine through, 
shone in my life for 10 years now, 
an airport our first place of meeting, 

you became my beloved fourth daughter
your son my first grandchild.

Today a grand feast, a celebration of
love, your gift.
Gathered together after years of separation, 
Crossing  lines 
divisions not accepted here
War no more.
Your life takes another step forward. 

Bless you my girl! 
Oh, how beloved you are! 
Blessed am I among women.

August 2015 gkn 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the beautiful poem. It expresses so much of what I feel also.....
